Thursday, March 16, 2006

The great Bangkok Motor Show: Sexy Cars, Glamour, Beautiful Women

Bangkok Motor Show PresenterSoon, on the 22nd of March until the third of April to be exact, it is time again for the Bangkok Motor Show, the biggest and best in South East Asia.

Billed as "the greatest automotive show in Southeast Asia", this international motoring event attracts an estimated 1.7 million people to Bangkok's Trade and Convention Centre. Whether you have money to burn or are just happy to stick with your jalopy, it's a fascinating day out and a chance to see the latest advances in motoring technology. The show features classic cars, bikes, sports mobiles and car audio inventions, as well as the Miss Motor Show Beauty Contest, an off-road training demonstration and an autosalon for that essential beautification. In addition, you can attend lectures, seminars and workshops on topical subjects like energy consumption, road safety and even improving your driving skills.

Bangkok is the biggest car producing city in South East Asia and one of the biggest in Asia. Often dubbed the “Detroit of Asia” it has all major car manufacturers in and around Bangkok producing cars here. This makes it the perfect place for a car exhibition shows. Its not just an exhibition, too but you can directly on the showfloor buy the exhibited cars.

Bangkok Motor Show F1source: Whats on When

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